/** * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Extends OverlayView to provide a canvas "Layer". * @author Brendan Kenny */ /** * A map layer that provides a canvas over the slippy map and a callback * system for efficient animation. Requires canvas and CSS 2D transform * support. * @constructor * @extends google.maps.OverlayView * @param {CanvasLayerOptions=} opt_options Options to set in this CanvasLayer. */ function CanvasLayer(opt_options) { /** * If true, canvas is in a map pane and the OverlayView is fully functional. * See google.maps.OverlayView.onAdd for more information. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.isAdded_ = false; /** * If true, each update will immediately schedule the next. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.isAnimated_ = false; /** * The name of the MapPane in which this layer will be displayed. * @type {string} * @private */ this.paneName_ = CanvasLayer.DEFAULT_PANE_NAME_; /** * A user-supplied function called whenever an update is required. Null or * undefined if a callback is not provided. * @type {?function=} * @private */ this.updateHandler_ = null; /** * A user-supplied function called whenever an update is required and the * map has been resized since the last update. Null or undefined if a * callback is not provided. * @type {?function} * @private */ this.resizeHandler_ = null; /** * The LatLng coordinate of the top left of the current view of the map. Will * be null when this.isAdded_ is false. * @type {google.maps.LatLng} * @private */ this.topLeft_ = null; /** * The map-pan event listener. Will be null when this.isAdded_ is false. Will * be null when this.isAdded_ is false. * @type {?function} * @private */ this.centerListener_ = null; /** * The map-resize event listener. Will be null when this.isAdded_ is false. * @type {?function} * @private */ this.resizeListener_ = null; /** * If true, the map size has changed and this.resizeHandler_ must be called * on the next update. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.needsResize_ = true; /** * A browser-defined id for the currently requested callback. Null when no * callback is queued. * @type {?number} * @private */ this.requestAnimationFrameId_ = null; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.style.position = 'absolute'; canvas.style.top = 0; canvas.style.left = 0; canvas.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; /** * The canvas element. * @type {!HTMLCanvasElement} */ this.canvas = canvas; /** * The CSS width of the canvas, which may be different than the width of the * backing store. * @private {number} */ this.canvasCssWidth_ = 300; /** * The CSS height of the canvas, which may be different than the height of * the backing store. * @private {number} */ this.canvasCssHeight_ = 150; /** * A value for scaling the CanvasLayer resolution relative to the CanvasLayer * display size. * @private {number} */ this.resolutionScale_ = 1; /** * Simple bind for functions with no args for bind-less browsers (Safari). * @param {Object} thisArg The this value used for the target function. * @param {function} func The function to be bound. */ function simpleBindShim(thisArg, func) { return function() { func.apply(thisArg); }; } /** * A reference to this.repositionCanvas_ with this bound as its this value. * @type {function} * @private */ this.repositionFunction_ = simpleBindShim(this, this.repositionCanvas_); /** * A reference to this.resize_ with this bound as its this value. * @type {function} * @private */ this.resizeFunction_ = simpleBindShim(this, this.resize_); /** * A reference to this.update_ with this bound as its this value. * @type {function} * @private */ this.requestUpdateFunction_ = simpleBindShim(this, this.update_); // set provided options, if any if (opt_options) { this.setOptions(opt_options); } } CanvasLayer.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView(); /** * The default MapPane to contain the canvas. * @type {string} * @const * @private */ CanvasLayer.DEFAULT_PANE_NAME_ = 'overlayLayer'; /** * Transform CSS property name, with vendor prefix if required. If browser * does not support transforms, property will be ignored. * @type {string} * @const * @private */ CanvasLayer.CSS_TRANSFORM_ = (function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); var transformProps = [ 'transform', 'WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform', 'msTransform' ]; for (var i = 0; i < transformProps.length; i++) { var prop = transformProps[i]; if (div.style[prop] !== undefined) { return prop; } } // return unprefixed version by default return transformProps[0]; })(); /** * The requestAnimationFrame function, with vendor-prefixed or setTimeout-based * fallbacks. MUST be called with window as thisArg. * @type {function} * @param {function} callback The function to add to the frame request queue. * @return {number} The browser-defined id for the requested callback. * @private */ CanvasLayer.prototype.requestAnimFrame_ = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; /** * The cancelAnimationFrame function, with vendor-prefixed fallback. Does not * fall back to clearTimeout as some platforms implement requestAnimationFrame * but not cancelAnimationFrame, and the cost is an extra frame on onRemove. * MUST be called with window as thisArg. * @type {function} * @param {number=} requestId The id of the frame request to cancel. * @private */ CanvasLayer.prototype.cancelAnimFrame_ = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.oCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame || function(requestId) {}; /** * Sets any options provided. See CanvasLayerOptions for more information. * @param {CanvasLayerOptions} options The options to set. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.setOptions = function(options) { if (options.animate !== undefined) { this.setAnimate(options.animate); } if (options.paneName !== undefined) { this.setPaneName(options.paneName); } if (options.updateHandler !== undefined) { this.setUpdateHandler(options.updateHandler); } if (options.resizeHandler !== undefined) { this.setResizeHandler(options.resizeHandler); } if (options.resolutionScale !== undefined) { this.setResolutionScale(options.resolutionScale); } if (options.map !== undefined) { this.setMap(options.map); } }; /** * Set the animated state of the layer. If true, updateHandler will be called * repeatedly, once per frame. If false, updateHandler will only be called when * a map property changes that could require the canvas content to be redrawn. * @param {boolean} animate Whether the canvas is animated. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.setAnimate = function(animate) { this.isAnimated_ = !!animate; if (this.isAnimated_) { this.scheduleUpdate(); } }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the canvas is animated. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.isAnimated = function() { return this.isAnimated_; }; /** * Set the MapPane in which this layer will be displayed, by name. See * {@code google.maps.MapPanes} for the panes available. * @param {string} paneName The name of the desired MapPane. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.setPaneName = function(paneName) { this.paneName_ = paneName; this.setPane_(); }; /** * @return {string} The name of the current container pane. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.getPaneName = function() { return this.paneName_; }; /** * Adds the canvas to the specified container pane. Since this is guaranteed to * execute only after onAdd is called, this is when paneName's existence is * checked (and an error is thrown if it doesn't exist). * @private */ CanvasLayer.prototype.setPane_ = function() { if (!this.isAdded_) { return; } // onAdd has been called, so panes can be used var panes = this.getPanes(); if (!panes[this.paneName_]) { throw new Error('"' + this.paneName_ + '" is not a valid MapPane name.'); } panes[this.paneName_].appendChild(this.canvas); }; /** * Set a function that will be called whenever the parent map and the overlay's * canvas have been resized. If opt_resizeHandler is null or unspecified, any * existing callback is removed. * @param {?function=} opt_resizeHandler The resize callback function. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.setResizeHandler = function(opt_resizeHandler) { this.resizeHandler_ = opt_resizeHandler; }; /** * Sets a value for scaling the canvas resolution relative to the canvas * display size. This can be used to save computation by scaling the backing * buffer down, or to support high DPI devices by scaling it up (by e.g. * window.devicePixelRatio). * @param {number} scale */ CanvasLayer.prototype.setResolutionScale = function(scale) { if (typeof scale === 'number') { this.resolutionScale_ = scale; this.resize_(); } }; /** * Set a function that will be called when a repaint of the canvas is required. * If opt_updateHandler is null or unspecified, any existing callback is * removed. * @param {?function=} opt_updateHandler The update callback function. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.setUpdateHandler = function(opt_updateHandler) { this.updateHandler_ = opt_updateHandler; }; /** * @inheritDoc */ CanvasLayer.prototype.onAdd = function() { if (this.isAdded_) { return; } this.isAdded_ = true; this.setPane_(); this.resizeListener_ = google.maps.event.addListener(this.getMap(), 'resize', this.resizeFunction_); this.centerListener_ = google.maps.event.addListener(this.getMap(), 'center_changed', this.repositionFunction_); this.resize_(); this.repositionCanvas_(); }; /** * @inheritDoc */ CanvasLayer.prototype.onRemove = function() { if (!this.isAdded_) { return; } this.isAdded_ = false; this.topLeft_ = null; // remove canvas and listeners for pan and resize from map this.canvas.parentElement.removeChild(this.canvas); if (this.centerListener_) { google.maps.event.removeListener(this.centerListener_); this.centerListener_ = null; } if (this.resizeListener_) { google.maps.event.removeListener(this.resizeListener_); this.resizeListener_ = null; } // cease canvas update callbacks if (this.requestAnimationFrameId_) { this.cancelAnimFrame_.call(window, this.requestAnimationFrameId_); this.requestAnimationFrameId_ = null; } }; /** * The internal callback for resize events that resizes the canvas to keep the * map properly covered. * @private */ CanvasLayer.prototype.resize_ = function() { if (!this.isAdded_) { return; } var map = this.getMap(); var mapWidth = map.getDiv().getElementsByTagName('div')[0].offsetWidth; var mapHeight = map.getDiv().getElementsByTagName('div')[0].offsetHeight; var newWidth = mapWidth * this.resolutionScale_; var newHeight = mapHeight * this.resolutionScale_; var oldWidth = this.canvas.width; var oldHeight = this.canvas.height; // resizing may allocate a new back buffer, so do so conservatively if (oldWidth !== newWidth || oldHeight !== newHeight) { this.canvas.width = newWidth; this.canvas.height = newHeight; this.needsResize_ = true; this.scheduleUpdate(); } // reset styling if new sizes don't match; resize of data not needed if (this.canvasCssWidth_ !== mapWidth || this.canvasCssHeight_ !== mapHeight) { this.canvasCssWidth_ = mapWidth; this.canvasCssHeight_ = mapHeight; this.canvas.style.width = mapWidth + 'px'; this.canvas.style.height = mapHeight + 'px'; } }; /** * @inheritDoc */ CanvasLayer.prototype.draw = function() { this.repositionCanvas_(); }; /** * Internal callback for map view changes. Since the Maps API moves the overlay * along with the map, this function calculates the opposite translation to * keep the canvas in place. * @private */ CanvasLayer.prototype.repositionCanvas_ = function() { // TODO(bckenny): *should* only be executed on RAF, but in current browsers // this causes noticeable hitches in map and overlay relative // positioning. var map = this.getMap(); // topLeft can't be calculated from map.getBounds(), because bounds are // clamped to -180 and 180 when completely zoomed out. Instead, calculate // left as an offset from the center, which is an unwrapped LatLng. var top = map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat(); var center = map.getCenter(); var scale = Math.pow(2, map.getZoom()); var left = center.lng() - (this.canvasCssWidth_ * 180) / (256 * scale); this.topLeft_ = new google.maps.LatLng(top, left); // Canvas position relative to draggable map's container depends on // overlayView's projection, not the map's. Have to use the center of the // map for this, not the top left, for the same reason as above. var projection = this.getProjection(); var divCenter = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(center); var offsetX = -Math.round(this.canvasCssWidth_ / 2 - divCenter.x); var offsetY = -Math.round(this.canvasCssHeight_ / 2 - divCenter.y); this.canvas.style[CanvasLayer.CSS_TRANSFORM_] = 'translate(' + offsetX + 'px,' + offsetY + 'px)'; this.scheduleUpdate(); }; /** * Internal callback that serves as main animation scheduler via * requestAnimationFrame. Calls resize and update callbacks if set, and * schedules the next frame if overlay is animated. * @private */ CanvasLayer.prototype.update_ = function() { this.requestAnimationFrameId_ = null; if (!this.isAdded_) { return; } if (this.isAnimated_) { this.scheduleUpdate(); } if (this.needsResize_ && this.resizeHandler_) { this.needsResize_ = false; this.resizeHandler_(); } if (this.updateHandler_) { this.updateHandler_(); } }; /** * A convenience method to get the current LatLng coordinate of the top left of * the current view of the map. * @return {google.maps.LatLng} The top left coordinate. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.getTopLeft = function() { return this.topLeft_; }; /** * Schedule a requestAnimationFrame callback to updateHandler. If one is * already scheduled, there is no effect. */ CanvasLayer.prototype.scheduleUpdate = function() { if (this.isAdded_ && !this.requestAnimationFrameId_) { this.requestAnimationFrameId_ = this.requestAnimFrame_.call(window, this.requestUpdateFunction_); } };